Live Online Seminars

Asian College of Teachers' Live Online Seminars aim at providing our students across the globe the opportunity to attend live classes from anywhere of their choice

Live Online Seminars – Asian College of Teachers (ACT)

A "live online seminar" is a one-to-many interactive event that is held virtually, witnessing participation exclusively by an online audience. In a research recently conducted it was found that the average viewing time for webinars is increasing over the years and currently stands at 56 minutes, in spite of everything becoming shorter and quicker, with 92% participants consider live online seminars/webcasts to be an effective learning medium.

From an educational perspective, these online seminars are hugely growing in popularity because of the large extent of personal and live interaction between the facilitator and the learners as well as among the learners, without the need to travel to attend classes.

We, at ACT, have designed the live online seminar on teaching and learning wherein our students across the globe get the opportunity to attend live classes and have live interaction with our facilitators as well as with their peers and collaborate in activities with the use of video conferencing technology.

Enroll in these live sessions to enjoy greater flexibility as you attend the sessions from the comfort of your home!

Who are these live online seminars for?

Our live online teacher training seminars have been specifically designed for those with a passion for teaching/training and making a mark in the education sector. These live sessions cater to:

  • Graduates who are fresh out of universities
  • Youngsters looking for a job in the field of education / teaching sector
  • Anyone in a mid-career crisis and looking for a career change
  • Experienced teachers or retired professionals looking for greater exposure
  • Those individuals looking to re-start their career in the field of education


You will be awarded a globally recognized certificate from Asian College of Teachers on successful completion of the program. Shipment of certificates within India is done free of cost but candidates residing outside India are required to pay an additional certificate dispatch fee. Generally, after submission of all the assignments and completion of the course, you have to pay the dispatch fee. After that we take your shipping address and contact number and courier the certificate to the same. It takes a maximum of 3 weeks for the certificates to reach the candidate’s address.

Live Online Seminar Topics

Cross-curricular Integration in Lesson Planning

Cross-curricular Integration in Lesson Planning will focus on how to take components from other subject areas and integrate those into one lesson to make learning fun and engaging. This kind of teaching helps students to create connections and develop skills in different subject areas and also exposes the students to gain knowledge in multiple subjects. These kinds of lessons further help the teachers to expand their offerings in terms of teaching and building connectedness between different disciplines.

Topics covered :

  • Majorly it will cover integration of various disciplines while teaching as a teacher for English with music and numeracy
  • How to collaborate each subject with STEM based activity
  • Merging learning topics and theme of lessons to be taught from various subject curricula

Upcoming Date: 7th December 2024
Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

Using MI to make classes more interactive & interesting


In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences (MI) which brought revolution in the teaching and learning methods. It is vital for teachers to understand their learners even before the teaching process begins. Multiple Intelligences is a unique concept which aids in identifying the innate abilities of students and employ teaching strategies accordingly. Since no two children think alike, lessons need to be designed in a completely different light to reach some students. Therefore, it is imperative for the teachers to incorporate MI if they want to make their classes interactive and interesting.

Topics covered :

  • Understand the concept of multiple intelligences
  • Learn how to identify and develop Multiple Intelligence of learners
  • Implementation of multiple intelligences approach in the classroom
  • Teaching strategies for multiple intelligence
  • Incorporating MI into lesson planning/ Assessments
  • Multiple intelligences and career goals

Upcoming Date: 21st December 2024

Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)

Certification: Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).


Research suggests that integrating science with technology and Math in simple daily lessons for students strongly supports the development of scientific literacy. Countries around the world have implemented STEM education right from early childhood. Today’s schools are trying to integrate STEM education into their curriculum but in order to do so the teachers need to be equipped with the skills and must have an understanding of the STEM education. Our webinar is focussed on making STEM learning fun for young children and developing skills in teachers who can encourage learners to think critically, logically, and creatively in a stimulating learning environment.

Topics covered :

  • 2C's in Curriculum with STEM
  • The "Q" Factor in the STEM process
  • Observation Centre and its importance
  • Integration of disciplines and subjects
  • How to create a STEM unit in your regular curriculum or course?

Upcoming Date: 28th December 2024
Session Duration 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Certification: Participants of the online seminar will receive a Certificate of Participation awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

Growth Mindset for Educators

Teaching has evolved a lot and today the emphasis is on mindsets which have a significant impact on education. A growth mindset empowers people to believe they can develop their abilities and it is imperative for educators to develop a growth mindset to bring out the best in their students. This further helps them to take responsibility to improve their own teaching as well. But what is a growth mindset and how educators can implement it into their daily practices. Get useful tips on how to incorporate a growth mindset into teaching and notice a sea change in the ways of teaching.

Topics covered :

  • What is mindset?
  • What is growth mindset?
  • What are the characteristics of growth mindset?
  • Why is it critical for educators to have a growth mindset?
  • If not the growth mindset…then what?!
  • Moving across from comfort to growth.
  • How can a growth mindset be developed?
  • Putting it all in practice - tips for the educator

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Certification: Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT)

Classroom Management Techniques in Virtual Classroom

An important part of teaching, Classroom Management approaches acquaint the teachers with the ways of making optimum usage of time by instilling discipline and order in a classroom efficiently, to get maximum time for instructions. Those who are not trained in classroom management techniques spend a greater part of their time thwarting troubled situations in a classroom, leading to decreased time for educational instruction and interaction in a class. Hence, our webinar on Classroom Management will surely add to your knowledge on managing learners in your class to create an atmosphere fit for learning.

Topics covered :

Classroom Management

  • Know your learners
  • Engaging, Motivating & Managing learners in the 21st Century
  • Managing behavior in the inclusive classroom

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Using Theater for Effective Learning

Theatre plays an important role when it comes to child-centred education and has proved to be an impactful medium to engage 21st century children in learning. The theatre technique provides an absorbing experience for the children and experts are of the opinion that adding theatre to lessons gives the learners a greater sense of doing. But there are certain areas of theatre that a teacher/facilitator must know to make the class fun yet effective. Our online seminar is a discussion as well as an activity-based workshop and can be catered to whoever is a facilitator or an aspiring educator.

Topics covered :

  • Introduction to the theater in education and its importance
  • Why is it necessary for 21st-century learners?
  • How does one incorporate theater into different subjects?
  • Which are the areas of theater that a facilitator must know to make the class fun yet effective?

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)

Certification : Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

CPD Webinar on Down Syndrome

The CPD webinar on Down Syndrome provides a thorough understanding of the condition as a disability. It covers its genetic basis, physiological traits, and cognitive challenges. Participants learn effective support strategies in education and therapy for fostering inclusive environments and optimizing learning outcomes. The webinar aims to raise awareness, dispel misconceptions, and empower attendees to create supportive environments for individuals with Down Syndrome.

Topics covered :

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Fees: 35 USD
Digital certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Elements of Visionary Leadership - Strategic Institution Management and Decision-making

Visionary leadership is a form of transformational leadership. In this live online seminar, you will get acquainted with the role of leadership with an emphasis on the six principles of 21st Century leadership style. The live session covers the vital elements of visionary leadership like leadership model and strategy, decision-making, problem-solving and critical thinking. There will be case studies for better understanding.

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Issues in teacher development and managing innovations in schools

Teacher development is an important part of every learning institution and so is innovation. While teacher development is a continuous process, innovations also don’t happen overnight. Both are deliberate activities and have to be worked on and in order to build a superior school culture, the school staff needs to be favourable towards innovation. Learn how innovation can be implemented in the context of the 21st century teaching-learning process.

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Fees: 25 USD / 750 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Implementing 21st Century Instructional Strategies in ESL Classroom

The topic on 21st century Instructional Strategies and their implementation in an EFL/ESL Classroom focuses on the instructions that an EFL/ESL teacher has to master planning to teach today’s learners in an English language classroom. The session emphasizes on 21st century instructional strategies along with 4C's, KWL, 6 thinking hats, etc. and many more that are necessary for the 21st century EFL/ESL teachers to be aware of.

Topics Covered :

  • 21st century teaching skills
  • Characteristics of a 21st- century teacher
  • 21st century teaching and learning – the challenge faced by teachers Preparing learners for twenty-first century competencies
  • 21st century teaching curriculum – Innovation at the core (connection between ICT - literacy skills, technology tools, and the learning goals of core subject areas)
  • Evaluation and assessment frameworks for improving school outcomes

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Time: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Differentiated Instruction and Assessment

When there are children of varying abilities and intelligences in the class, it is only fair that you assess them in the most suitable way. If you want to enhance your teaching and bring in different effective methods of learning for varied learners then you must be aware of differentiated learning. This session explores how instruction can be structured to suit all levels of learners and support the learners with learning disabilities by making modifications in their instructions.

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Teaching English Grammar

ACT’s 1-day live online seminar for teachers on ‘Teaching English Grammar’ has been designed and developed to acquaint aspiring as well as working teachers with adequate knowledge on English Phonetics & Grammar. This live session will help provide specialized knowledge and latest information on phonology and grammar that will provide them with complete guidance on the correct pronunciation and grammatical skills and the methods to convey those to learners of all ages. It has been found in a research that has been conducted over a considerable period of time, ‘that the teaching of school grammar has little or no effect on students’. Therefore, here at the seminar we will help you understand the tricks of the trade - how you can polish your grammar as well as phonology and the correct approaches to help your students achieve the same.

What we cover:

  • Sound of Language
  • Phonology & Phonetics
  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Teaching Pronunciation to students
  • Phonetic Transcription for Teachers
  • Grammar in Context
  • Teaching Grammar – Is it necessary?
  • Teaching Grammar - How?
  • Teach grammar as concepts in meaningful contexts in language learning
  • Teaching Grammar Inductively

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Art and Music Therapy

Research shows effective art and music therapy yields maximum results and has been used extensively to enhance individual development and growth. This type of therapy has been shown to help children with special needs. Art and music positively affect the mood, cognition and behavior of children with varying disabilities, and those with autism, speech impairments, ADD/ADHD or other mental and behavioral health conditions. The therapy helps children to effectively communicate, improves their concentration levels and behaviours and helps develop closer relationships. Art and Music are commonly used tools for both teachers and learners in inclusive classrooms as those facilitate inclusion of students with disabilities. Today’s educators are resorting to this powerful tool of art and music therapy to make learning effective and helping children to flourish cognitively and developmentally. If you are part of the teaching profession or handling special children then you must join our webinar on Art and Music Therapy.

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Managing Human Resources with a focus on Motivation, Appraisal, Evaluation and Feedback

Know all about the nitty-gritty of human resource management and learn how strategic human resource management has a positive outcome. In this live online seminar we will cover areas like motivation, appraisal, evaluation and feedback focussing on the 4 Motive Model. Learn the differences between evaluation and feedback and how to evaluate and give feedback to your teachers while you master the strategies of teacher appraisal.

Upcoming Date: 24th March 2024

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Social Emotional Learning for Young Learners

Teachers must have a clear understanding of the fact that Social Emotional Learning affects the children’s overall growth and development. They must develop skills to provide children with social emotional learning which they can apply in classrooms while interacting with their peers. This is becoming an essential part of today’s curriculum for young children offering them the opportunity to practice these skills during their play activities - to learn to work in teams, resolve conflicts etc. This live online seminar covers the Five Core Competencies of SEL along with the Ruler approach and varied activities to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to teach SEL in many ways and across settings.

Topics covered :

Overview of SEL – The Five Core Competencies

  • Self-awareness
  • Self -management
  • Social-awareness
  • Relationship skills
  • Responsible decision making
  • The RULER Approach
  • Building Caring Communities
  • Classroom activities that promote SEL
  • Take a moment for now – practice mindfulness

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Teacher Burnout & Emotional Well-being

Teaching is a rewarding profession but most teachers are affected by burnout feelings and emotional exhaustion at some point or the other. Teacher burnout is given a lot of consideration these days. This live online seminar will reveal the ways to cope efficiently with such work-related stress and how to prevent teacher burnout.

The live online includes the following topics:

  • Symptoms of Teacher Burnout
  • Causes of Teacher Burnout
  • Prevention of Teacher Burnout
  • Maintaining Emotional Well-being
  • Supporting Mental Health for Teacher-Student Well-being
  • Importance of Emotional Health in the Teaching Profession

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Gamification and Learning

A comparatively new educational approach, gamification is used to motivate learners to learn using designs of video games and other game elements in the learning environment. The main aim of using gamification is to foster learning among the students by developing their interests and creating maximum engagement along with motivating them to continue their learning. The web session will discuss all these and much more in detail to let our participants gain thorough knowledge on it.

Topics Covered :

  • Gamification – Is it necessary?
  • Impact of gamification on learning
  • Application of gamification to learning outcomes

Upcoming Date: Coming soon | 2 pm - 5 pm
Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Neuroeducation: Incorporating Components of Brain- based Learning into Your Classroom


Research suggests that neuroeducation will change the face of education. To capture the attention of today's learners, teachers must understand how the human brain works during the teaching & learning process. Neuroeducation is all about applying new methodologies that optimize classroom learning and give the teachers a better understanding of their students. They can better their teaching practices if they have a deeper understanding of areas like how brain uses schema or reacts to meaningful learning. Join our session to learn how you can employ neuroeducation to create, implement and experiment with new approaches and maximise student learning in the classroom.

The live online seminar includes the following topics:

  • How do obstacles in learning begin?
  • Neuroplasticity - The brain can change
  • Changing fear into possibility - Power of YET
  • The brain thrives on variety and choice
  • The brain uses schema
  • The brain reacts to meaningful learning
  • The brain loves a challenge
  • Mistakes are a good thing

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Batch Timing: 3 pm to 6 pm (IST)

Certification: Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

Developing effective Facilitating Skills

Trainers with good facilitating skills help learners to acquire, retain, and apply knowledge better. Facilitation is different from traditional teaching and is the preferred way of imparting training especially to adult learners. A skilled facilitator demonstrates specific traits and occupational expertise. The online session is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge about effective facilitation with a focus on the role of the facilitator.

Topics covered :

  • What is facilitation?
  • What is the role of the facilitator
  • Teaching vs Facilitating
  • Qualities of a facilitator
  • Effective facilitation skills
  • How to build your facilitation skills through effective strategies and activities

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 2 pm - 5 pm (IST)
Certification: Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT)

Phonology for ESL/EFL Teachers

Phonology is an important part of language teaching and while teaching English as a Second/Foreign language, pronunciations and identification of sounds can be heavily influenced by a variety of factors and these factors will help ESL/EFL teachers to contemplate and analyse the difficulties and needs of the learners and accordingly plan the lessons and instructions effectively. Each learner has his/her own experiences over the language and this live online seminar will help you to identify the needs of the learner and the factors affecting their English pronunciation and device some effective methods and techniques to enhance English pronunciation.

Topics covered :

  • Sound of Language
  • Phonology & Phonetics
  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Teaching Pronunciation to students
  • Phonetic Transcription for Teachers

Upcoming Date:Coming soon
Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Using Storytelling / doing in learning

Storytelling plays an important role in fostering creativity and imagination in children. Teachers must incorporate storytelling in their lessons as this helps to widen their vocabulary and enhances their imagination. Children are usually found drawn to interesting stories and research suggests that storytelling develops children’s listening and comprehension skills. 21st century teachers must use storytelling as an instructional strategy. The online session will help you learn the different aspects of storytelling and how it can be used as a potent tool of instruction.

Topics covered :

  • Different aspects of Storytelling with special focus on fostering creativity
  • Kinds of Storytelling
  • Using Storytelling as an Instructional Strategy
  • Storytelling in lesson planning

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 10 am - 1 pm (IST)
Certification: Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT)

Nurturing Gifted students

Teachers often have difficulty understanding the specific needs of gifted students. Identification of gifted learners is essential as their talents remain hidden most of the time and identification of their giftedness can aid teachers to help them reach their full potential. As a teacher you must have the knowledge of the indicators of giftedness and nurture the giftedness of these unique learners in a daily classroom environment. Join our live online session to learn how to design lessons keeping these learners in mind, build a sustainable connection and provide a supportive and dynamic environment to enhance their academic experience and help these gifted learners think critically, learn effectively and act responsibly.

Topics covered :

  • What is Giftedness?
  • Indicators of Giftedness
  • Working with gifted students
  • Nurturing giftedness in daily classroom learning environments
  • Learning challenges amongst gifted students
  • Zone of Proximal Development in Practice
  • Teacher and the gifted learner - building a sustainable connect

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Batch Timing: 2 pm - 5 pm (IST)
Certification: Participants of the Seminar will receive a globally recognized certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT)

Inquiry-based Learning

Inquiry-based learning is learning and teaching method which encourages active participation of the students and focuses on student questions, probing and analyses. There are various types of inquiry-based learning and irrespective of its type it propels students to delve deeper, analyse and evaluate which in turn helps them to retain essential information resulting in effective learning and deeper understanding of a subject. This method empowers students and they start to enjoy the learning process. This online workshop covers the major components of inquiry- based learning and demonstrates how it can make a positive difference in the classroom.

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Effective Business English Teaching


With a staggering number of people using English for business activities, business English is gaining immense popularity and with it a huge demand for trainer business English teachers is noticeable. Different approaches are involved in business English learning as business English is not only about language, but about language use in different contexts and settings. Our online workshop will touch upon those pertinent areas like teaching through concepts and scenarios, business mail writing, developing listening skills and vocabulary development, speaking with confidence etc.

Topics covered :

  • How to teach grammar in a natural way
  • How to teach through concepts and scenarios
  • How to practice email writing based on a concept or scenario
  • How to use YouTube videos for listening practice and vocabulary development
  • Techniques to get clients speaking with confidence
  • How to spiral the curriculum

Upcoming Date: Coming soon
Certification: Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Self-care and wellness for teachers in online learning

With the complete paradigm shift in teaching and learning and all traditional classrooms being transformed into online classes teaching has turned out to be stressful. The recent pandemic has seen the working teachers slip into multiple roles creating lessons, managing online classrooms and coping with the immense workload often neglecting one’s well-being. Online teacher wellness has become a global issue and we have taken initiatives by designing a webinar on the self-care and wellness for online teachers. Get expert advice from Dr Anita Jain, MBBS, MRCGP [INT], the founder and lead trainer of Heartbeats First Aid - an initiative to empower people in health and safety at schools, workplace and communities.

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Instructional Design for 21st Century Teachers

Learning is a process of creativity and collaboration and teachers must use instructional methods to inspire learners and facilitate learning. They are designed to promote optimum learning opportunities and specific learning outcomes through the use of a specially orchestrated set of activities. In a lesson when a specific instructional method is used, learners progress through defined steps that support their achievement of learning goals. Join our webinar on Instructional Design for 21st Century Teachers to learn all about 21st century instructional design methods and developing skills through active learning to transform your teaching.

Topics covered :

  • Planning and Setting Up Units for Optimum Learning Opportunities
  • Helping Students Develop 21st Century Skills through Active Learning
  • Learning Theory Should Drive Our Choice of Methods
  • Introduction to Instructional Design Methods
  • Task-based Learning is Key

Upcoming Date: Coming soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Counselling Skills for Teachers

Research suggests that children are prone to experience emotional and behavioural problems and these create significant barriers to learning and social interaction. Since they spend countless hours at school, they tend to end up communicating a lot with the teachers and therefore, the teachers turn out to be valuable resources for the students in need of behavioral, emotional and academic intervention. Teachers equipped with effective counselling skills will not only be able to detect the cause of uncivil behaviours but will be aware of the ways to make the students express themselves and understand the reasons behind such behaviours. Join our Counselling Skills for Teachers Workshop to learn the fundamental techniques of counselling which a teacher can employ to provide extra support to the students especially after the pandemic with the children getting back to schools almost after 2 years.

Topics covered :

  • Detecting behavioural problems of the students
  • Understanding the factors behind the adverse behavioural problems of the students
  • Primary counselling techniques employed by the teachers

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Role of IEP to support diverse learners in inclusive classroom

An Individualized Education Plan (or Program), also known as an IEP is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child with an identified disability, who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution, receives specialized instruction and related services. The IEP creates opportunities for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel and students (when appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Managing EBD (Emotional Behavioral Disorders)

The session gives an insight into the behavioral disorders that any kind of disability in children may bring along and manage those effectively. Children exhibiting emotional and behavioural disorders may disrupt the classroom activities. This can be challenging for teachers especially in inclusive classrooms. But awareness about the symptoms and triggers and knowledge of proper techniques to handle these kids can help build a welcoming classroom for all students. This session looks at effective ways of supporting the mental health of children with disabilities with a positive structured environment.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Participants of the online seminar will receive a Certificate of Participation awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

Identifying Gifted and Talented Learners

A classroom comprises varied learners and with the rise of inclusive classrooms teachers have to accommodate different types of learners with various needs. Identification of gifted learners is essential as their talents remain hidden most of the time and identification of their giftedness can aid teachers to help them reach their full potential. As a teacher you must have the knowledge and skills to identify these unique learners and cater to their needs. Join our webinar to learn how to design lessons keeping these learners in mind and provide a supportive and dynamic environment to enhance their academic experience and help these gifted learners think critically, learn effectively and act responsibly.

Topics covered :

  • Who is gifted and talented? What is the difference?
  • Characteristics of gifted children in the classroom
  • Identifying gifted and talented learners
  • Catering to the needs of gifted and talented in the classroom
  • Curriculum difference
  • How can a teacher be more supportive?

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Participants of the online seminar will receive a Certificate of Participation awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

Impact of school climate on the holistic wellness of students

There is a strong relationship between the school environment and the well-being of the students. The aim of this live online session is to take a closer look at the factors that promote student engagement at school and thereby support their experience of emotional well-being. Therefore, sustaining a positive school climate has become imperative and the teachers must know how to create a conducive school climate.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Fees: 25 USD / 750 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Inclusive classrooms

What is an inclusive school community? Why is this model more beneficial for all students?

Inclusion is a way of thinking and structures that allow all individuals to feel accepted, valued, and safe. An inclusive school and classroom community consciously evolves to meet the changing needs of its members. Through recognition and support, an inclusive community provides meaningful involvement and equal access to the right to education. Inclusion can enhance the well-being of every member of the community. By working together in collaboration, we can all create a foundation for a better future for everyone!

This session will introduce participants to: -

How a philosophy of Inclusion supports:

  • All individuals more
  • Right to a quality education
  • Enhances the well-being of every member of the community
  • Promotes participation, belonging, and caring interactions
  • Valuing diversity
  • Perspectives, voice, and understanding
  • Moving away from deficit mindsets

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon
Session Duration: 10 am- 1 pm (IST) | Saturday

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Managing Stress/Anxiety

As an essential part of teaching, Classroom Management session approaches and acquaints teachers with various ways of effectively using time by instilling discipline and order in a classroom environment so as to get maximum time for instructions. Those who are not trained in classroom management techniques spend a greater part of their time handling troubled situations in a classroom, leading to decreased time for educational instruction and interaction in a class. Hence, our webinar on Classroom Management will surely add to your knowledge on managing learners to create an atmosphere fit for learning.

Topics covered :

  • General Idea
  • Know your learners
  • Engaging, Motivating & Managing learners in the 21st Century
  • Managing behaviour in the inclusive classroom

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Participants of the online seminar will receive a Certificate of Participation awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

Assessment for/as learning: But . . .are they learning?

Assessment has a major role to play in the process of teaching and learning. Assessment aids in understanding student learning, identifies invisible obstacles and helps to enhance the teaching approaches. Assessment not only benefits the students but also the teachers as well. Assessment can actually provide insight into the teaching learning process and can help to bring in useful changes in curriculum, teaching methodologies, study materials etc. There are various types of assessments and today’s teachers must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the varied assessment methods.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon
Session Duration: Coming soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Questioning Techniques for Teachers

An Individualized Education Plan (or Program), also known as an IEP is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child with an identified disability, who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution, receives specialized instruction and related services. The IEP creates opportunities for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel and students (when appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

How to Incorporate Design Thinking into Your Units and Lessons

Design thinking provides teachers with a very useful and versatile tool that can be used in any classroom to get students using creative and critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. Design thinking is a 5-step process that helps students empathize with a person, community, or situation, define limitations, brainstorm ways of solving a problem or improving something, create a plan, prototype, or proposal, and finally testing how the plan or prototype works. Design thinking is a useful tool for all teachers of primary, secondary, and higher education. It is for subject teachers and language teachers. Design thinking can be used for single lessons or as a blueprint for a project.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Value Based Education

The topic on 21st century Instructional Strategies and their implementation in an EFL/ESL Classroom focuses on the instructions that an EFL/ESL teacher has to master planning to teach today’s learners in an English language classroom. The session emphasizes on 21st century instructional strategies along with 4C's, KWL, 6 thinking hats, etc. and many more that are necessary for the 21st century EFL/ESL teachers to be aware of.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Student-led Learning

The topic on 21st century Instructional Strategies and their implementation in an EFL/ESL Classroom focuses on the instructions that an EFL/ESL teacher has to master planning to teach today’s learners in an English language classroom. The session emphasizes on 21st century instructional strategies along with 4C's, KWL, 6 thinking hats, etc. and many more that are necessary for the 21st century EFL/ESL teachers to be aware of.

What we cover:

  • Making the participants familiar with the importance of instructional strategies
  • Introduction to 21st century instructional strategies
  • Hands-on activities to understand their practicality (4C's, KWL, 6 thinking hats, etc.)
  • Implementation of the strategies in a language learning class (ESL/EFL)

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Understanding How to Teach ALL Students

Understanding learning disabilities helps teaching professionals better understand the students they teach. Awareness of learning differences, especially learning disabilities, is critical but essential especially for today’s educators who are part of inclusive classrooms. Understanding the learning skill sets of your students allows you to communicate and teach more effectively. If you are part of inclusive classrooms or a special educator, then gain an insight into the eight major types of learning disabilities from our expert trainer and make a real difference in your teaching.

Topics covered :

8 processing challenge categories for learning disabilities:

  • phonological
  • language
  • visual-motor
  • visual-spatial
  • memory
  • processing speed
  • attention
  • executive function

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Participants of the online seminar will receive a Certificate of Participation awarded by Asian College of Teachers (ACT).

SEN Live Online Workshop

Our SEN live online workshop, comprises online course access and online assignments along with interactive live sessions. Before the session starts, students will get access to their online course materials. They will get their assignments evaluated from our trainers/tutors within the end of the batch. There will be multiple expert trainers to facilitate the web sessions and help you with your lessons and assignments. The sessions are quite interactive comprising plenty of activities designed for you to engage diverse learners in inclusive classrooms. After completing our SEN course, you will get ample career opportunities to work as a class teacher in inclusive classrooms, shadow teacher, assistant teacher, school counsellor in schools across the globe!

Advantages of SEN Live Online Workshop

  • Save your cost by no longer travelling to different cities
  • Avail multiple interactive sessions with our expert trainers
  • Interact and collaborate with your fellow peers
  • Varied lesson plans and other resources provided for effective learning
  • Both online assignments as well as those given by the trainers
  • Optional Teaching Practice available

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Fees: 100 USD / 3500 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Concept-based Learning (CBL)

Concept-based learning (CBL) is an approach to designing learning that moves away from subject-specific content and instead emphasizes “big ideas” that span multiple subject areas or disciplines. Every 21st century educator must aim to engage the students in learning which must move beyond simple memorization. They must be able to differentiate between concepts and topics and relate the learning in real-life situations. Each new situation must enhance their thinking process. If you really want to empower your students then learn to choose the right concepts. Our live online seminar on Concept-based Learning puts emphasis on mastering the appropriate teaching strategies and unit planning steps while you gain an understanding of how you can encourage your learners to think at a higher level.

Topics covered :

  • Difference between concepts and topics
  • Choosing concepts that are right for my teaching
  • Adapting teaching strategies to include concepts
  • Unit planning using concepts

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Significance of Life Skills in Education

Life skills are a vital part of education as it strengthens the capabilities of an individual to meet the challenges of daily life. As a teacher if you want your learners to grow up to well-rounded individuals then you must impart life skill education to them. This will not only make them self-aware but they can be productive members of the society. Life skills build confidence in learners and help them find new ways of thinking and problem solving. Every educator must have a good understanding of how to inculcate life skills in their learners especially in today’s highly competitive globalized world where they can develop a sense of self, learn to empathize fellow beings and live harmoniously in the society.

Topics covered :

  • Understanding life skills that enable to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life
  • Need for life skills in education
  • Types and application of life skills
  • How to teach and prepare lesson plan based on life skills
  • Benefits and importance of life skills in education

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Multiple Intelligences - Discover Innate Potential in Learners

Get an insight into the theory of multiple intelligences developed in 1983 by Dr Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. This theory has a deep impact on the process of teaching and learning as students manifest their intelligence in different ways and identifying multiple intelligences helps teachers to provide information in a way which aids the learning process of the students. Learn how to implement multiple intelligences in the classroom and how that theory can be incorporated in the teaching style. Multiple intelligences theory is a great tool for teachers to use to reach the goal of effective learning. Join our webinar to realize the strengths of your students to better understand the dynamics of your classroom and design your lessons accordingly.

Topics covered :

  • To understand the concept of multiple intelligences
  • To learn how to identify and develop Multiple Intelligences of learners
  • Implementation of multiple intelligences approaches in the classroom
  • Teaching strategies for multiple intelligences
  • Incorporating MI into lesson planning / assessments
  • Multiple Intelligences and Career Goal

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

School Leaders/Coordinators as Curriculum Managers

Trainer: Dr Thomas Miller


Today’s school leaders, principals, vice-principals, academic coordinators play a vital role in facilitating the educational process. Curriculum development remains an important area for them as their role is imperative in providing proper guidance to the teachers to improve the learning experiences of the students. Those in school leadership roles must take responsibility in curriculum management and create a supporting learning environment for all types of learners. Planning a new curriculum, implementing the best practices and assessing the outcomes are key areas to look into. Our webinar helps you take a deeper look into the many areas of curriculum management.

Topics covered :

  • Creating and Sustaining Respectful, Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environments
  • Keeping the Image of the Learner in Mind
  • Curriculum Planning for Purpose
  • Assessment for/as Learning: But...are They Learning?
  • Instructional Intelligence in Action
  • Differentiation: Not in the same way or on the Same Day
  • Reporting and Communicating to Students and Parents/Guardians

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Impactful Training Design & Delivery

If you are in the training division of your organization or even in a supervisory role and trying to develop your people, then the best way to do justice to your position is by acting as a mentor to the professionals in the organization and learning about their individual strengths and improvement areas. Impactful Training Design & Delivery is a 1-Day interactive live online seminar by Centre for Training and professional Development (CTPD) – a division of Asian College of Teachers, especially designed for the next Gen Corporate Trainers, Soft Skill Trainers, HR Trainers, Managers with training responsibilities who require specialized training covering the best practices and up-to-date techniques in designing and delivering impactful training for the workforce.

The live online session includes the following topics:

  • Utilizing existing learning resources
  • Benefits of effective documentation
  • Construct learning activities
  • Select & use 21st century presentation strategies & techniques

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Design, Develop and Delivery Virtual learning, E-Learning and Blended Learning

The live online session on designing e-learning environments has been developed to equip aspiring or working teaching professionals with knowledge that will help them to face the challenges of designing e-learning environments. The web session imparts requisite knowledge to facilitate learning experiences with an emphasis on grounded practice. It also provides an opportunity to explore, see examples and practice the skills needed to develop design and delivery digital learning. This program emphasises on e-learning, virtual learning and blended learning concepts, frameworks and best practices.

The live online session includes the following topics:

  • Virtual Classroom – Benefits and challenges
  • Adapting as learning Professionals
  • Selecting Technology for your Virtual Training
  • Designing the Virtual learning platform
  • Develop the platform and considerations
  • Developing Activities for Virtual Training
  • Creating Visuals for Virtual Delivery

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Design, Develop and Deliver a Memorable Presentation

Learn how to hook your audience and play to your strengths while giving a presentation. Make your presentation memorable which can touch your audience’s minds and hearts. Let the presentation resonate with your audience. Know the right techniques with us.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Teaching EFL/ESL in the 21st Century Classroom

Topics covered:

Day 1

  • The 21st-century EFL teacher
  • 21st century teaching and learning – the challenges faced by EFL teachers 21st century teaching skills
  • Preparing EFL learners for twenty-first century core competencies
  • 21st century teaching curriculum – connection between ICT - literacy skills, technology tools, and the learning goals of core learning skills (LSRW)

Day: 2

  • Know your learners
  • Motivation & Learning
  • Growth Zone
  • Planning CBLA for the EFL classroom – LSRW &
  • Games, Learning Apps & Language Development

Day: 3

  • 21st century learning design for TEFL
  • Theatre, Music & Movement in Language Learning
  • Assessment & Evaluation for EFL students in the 21st Century
  • Integrating innovation skills – Review 4 Cs

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

21st Century Transformation - Teacher to Facilitator

Topics Covered

  • What is so special about 21st Century teaching?
  • The 21st Century Learners
  • The 21st Century Teacher
  • Transformational Teaching – Teacher vs Facilitator
  • The 4 Cs

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Fees: 25 USD / 750 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Education Management & Leadership Program for Teachers

The session on ‘Education Management & Leadership Program for Teachers’ is aimed to prepare skilled professionals to fulfil the demand for accomplished and expert administrators proficient in making a positive difference in the learning atmosphere that has intensified in recent times. ACT’s live online workshop in Education Management & Leadership aims at preparing individuals who can share knowledge and develop collaborative solutions in the administrative arena of educational institutions while meeting global demands. Furthermore, senior educational professionals can explore the various aspects of institutional management. This live online workshop is designed in a flexible manner to meet the needs and schedules of busy professionals.

The EDM live online workshop focuses on:

  • Use of Resources
  • Managerial Expertise
  • Leadership Skills
  • Innovative Methods Facilitators

The live online workshop will be conducted by:

  • Dr Margaret Davitt Maughan, Associate Director (Academics)
  • Dr Sanjib Chakraborty, Lead Trainer, Centre for Training & Professional Development (A division of ACT)
  • Ms. Kuhurina Basu, Head of Academics

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Fees: 100 USD | 3500 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for Inclusive Classroom Teachers & Parents

Asian College of Teachers’ webinar on Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is designed to provide a roadmap for teachers and parents handling special children. IEP is actually a collaborative activity between inclusive classroom teachers, parents, special educators and designing it entails a strong sense of understanding and effort. This collaboration nurtures the interaction and sharing of responsibility for the key aspects of IEP design, that also includes planning, setting academic goals and sharing accountability for outcomes. The respective IEPs for each student, is intended at guiding teachers to understand and meet the specific needs that emanates from their disability, aiding in the shift to the overall educational program. In this webinar, we are emphasising the vital features of IEP like the cause and components of IEP, stages of development of IEP, role of special educators to parents to the latest information and resources in IEP development.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Fees: 15 USD / 500 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Teachers must develop effective counselling skills

Today’s teachers have to perform multiple roles and one of the crucial is that of a guidance counselor. Although this seems to be a new addition to the teacher’s role but the nature of this role can be traced as far back as Socrates. Teachers find it difficult to slip into this mentorship role but a comprehensive training makes this transition easier as it equips teachers in counselling skills. Our webinar on “Teachers must develop effective counselling skills” aims at empowering teaching professionals by developing their counselling skills so that they have a better understanding of the issues their learners face and gain the trust of the students to make the teaching and learning process effective.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Integrating ICT into Primary Education

Today’s 21 st century pre and primary classroom calls for integrating ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) into the curriculum to prepare the young learners for lifelong learning through effective use of new and innovative learning activities, interesting lesson plans, and various tools to create a learning environment that is well-conducive to learning. Using ICT in pre and primary curriculum makes a smooth way for developing a strong foundation in education for the pre and primary learners. In order to stay up-to-date with the development in their profession and stay in demand as a teaching professional, today’s teachers must be well-aware of the learning activities to be utilized in the classroom based on the relevant approaches of ICT. This live-online seminar helps you acquire the much-needed knowledge and skills on ICT to use them in your teaching techniques in the classroom.

Topics to be covered:

  • How to create a learning environment with the help of ICT in pre-primary and primary grades?
  • What kind of learning activities to be adopted based on the subjects and languages to be taught?
  • Creation of lesson plan or unit
  • How many different tools will you introduce in an academic year? How many is too many?

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Fees: 15 USD / 500 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Helping Children with Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that makes social interaction and speech and nonverbal communication challenging with restricted/repetitive behaviors. The level of intellectual functioning in individuals with ASDs varies, ranging from profound impairment to exceptional levels. It is important for teachers and parents of special kids to have a fundamental knowledge about autism so that they are able to identify the symptoms and support them in an academic environment. Join our webinar to know more about ASD and IEP and help autistic kids to shine in life.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Thinking and Research Skills Development

Creative and critical thinking skills are essential skills for today’s learners. These skills stimulate active learning and learners become active and not just passive recipients of information. Helping your learner develop creative & critical thinking, such as being able to think independently, clearly and rationally is not an easy task. Teaching one more life skill, that is the research skill, is another important area, today’s educators need to emphasize in their classrooms. If you really want to know the strategies to develop and hone these skills in your learners then join our webinar and learn all about the different aspects of thinking and research skills development.

Topics to be covered:

  • Developing creative and critical thinking skills
  • Visible thinking strategies
  • Ethical use of media for research
  • Helping students to become confident in research

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Happy Classroom for Face to Face and Online Learners

It has been proven in research that happy children learn better and have higher grades. Since one of the primary aims of the teachers is their learners’ well-being, therefore teachers need to have a fair knowledge on the effective ways to create a cheerful learning atmosphere in the classroom. A joyful classroom with motivated students hugely impacts the overall learning of the students, that ultimately leads to good performances. In these stressful times, happiness in today’s classrooms is the need of the hour; hence every educator must know the tips and approaches to help students stay motivated and happy. Our webinar imparts training on the ways to develop a safe learning environment where the learners are part of joyful learning!

Topics to be covered:

  • Ingredients and Key Principles of Happy Classroom.
  • Why is it the need of the hour? Its importance for teachers & the students.
  • How to use tricks and strategies to make learning joyful.
  • New Era of online learning and its challenges for a teacher & the student.

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Fees: 25 USD/750 THB

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

Collaborative Learning

The role of today’s educators is that of facilitators and less of expert transmitters of knowledge. Teachers who use collaborative learning approaches tend to provide a stimulating intellectual experience for the students as collaborative learning (CL) is an emergent educational approach to teach a group of students working in pairs or small groups to discuss concepts or find solutions to problems. Research shows that collaborative learning is an active, engaging, and constructive process which actually leads to effective learning. Collaborative learning activities immerse students in challenging tasks or questions. It also increases student retention and promotion of student-teacher interaction and develops in students higher order reasoning and problem-solving skills. So, if you are a teacher you must include collaborative learning in your classes for efficacious learning outcomes. Join our webinar to know some collaborative learning strategies.

Learning Outcome: Understand how we can create a collaborative learning environment

  • What is collaborative learning?
  • Why should we use collaborative learning strategies in the classroom?
  • What are the barriers to the successful implementation of collaborative learning in schools?
  • What is the role of the teacher in a collaborative learning environment?
  • What activities can teachers use to introduce collaborative learning into the classroom?
  • What are some collaborative learning activities that teachers can use in the classroom?

Upcoming Date: Coming Soon

Digital Certificate will be provided to participants attending the sessions.

The ACT Advantage
  • The number of children with disabilities globally is estimated at almost 240 million, according to a new UNICEF report
  • There is a steep demand for qualified and expert SEN teachers in the education sector
  • A globally recognised certificate will increase your chances of finding better opportunities

There are ample opportunities for SEN teachers certified in Autism courses for professionals along with a passion to teach learners with special needs. ACT’s Autism program comes with numerous job opportunities as the course aims to provide future shadow teachers with a strong foundation in the methodologies and strategies to deal with Autism. The program could be immensely helpful for:

  • Head of schools dealing with autistic children
  • Shadow teacher for children with special needs
  • Special education curriculum developer
  • Course coordinator and counsellor associated with special education
  • Anyone connected with autism
  • Complete tutor support throughout the course
  • Candidates can learn at their own pace
  • Additional support of online videos and reference materials

The trainees enrolled in this program can expect complete guidance from the experienced ACT tutors who are committed to helping the candidates to achieve their learning goals. You can expect complete guidance from the experienced ACT tutors who are committed to helping the trainees to achieve their learning goals. The tutors provide great support to the trainees and guide them through the course giving valuable advice in every step of the way.

  • The candidates will receive a globally recognized certificate from Asian College of Teachers
  • Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) a member of British Quality Foundation, has accredited Asian College of Teachers (ACT)
  • The prestigious EQAC - Education Quality Accreditation Commission has accredited Asian College of Teachers (ACT) that has met all the standards set by this Commission.
  • All ACT courses are accredited by International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE)
  • ACT SEN courses are certified by CPD Certification Service, UK
  • Most of our Special Education courses are endorsed and accredited by CACHE which is a part of the famous UK based NCFE
  • Asian College of Teachers is a member of The National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
  • All ACT courses are endorsed by NCC Education, an awarding organisation and a global provider of British education
Admission Process

Please find below the detailed steps to be followed as a part of the admission process.

Step 1 :

Fill up the online application form with all the relevant details

Step 2 :

Provide correct email id and phone number as all the communication will be forwarded there

Step 3 :

Once the application form is submitted, you will receive the course details via email and phone call from ACT’s admission executives

Step 4 :

The course fee payment details will be mailed to you once you confirm your enrolment; where the course fee can be paid through online payment using Debit/Credit Card or by depositing Cash, Cheque or Demand Draft to our bank account

Step 5 :

After the payment is credited you will receive the payment confirmation with an online admission form which you need to fill up and submit to get online access to the program

Student Reviews


Full of knowledge and useful information, suggestion for lesson plan and ideas for support learning. The knowledge, as mother and "home" teacher was incomplete, after this course I'm feel more comfortable in these topics.

Catherine Streng

Catherine Streng

It was hard work but I learned a lot. Because of this it was well worth it and I am well on my way to succeeding in my goal to become an English teacher in Asia. Instead of being scared as I previously was, I am only a little bit nervous now that I have this experience under my belt.

Joseph Cachia

Joseph Cachia

It was a challenge for me as it been a long time since I had done any academic studying but the course was structured well overall as the course progressed I was relating more to what I was doing at school and implementing them and seeing results I could see my self-confidence growing thru the course.

Melissa Laurin

Melissa Laurin

The course was very informative and I really liked the fact that I could do the Work on my own time. That made less pressure and I could do my best work for the assignments.

* Disclaimer : Results may vary

140 Years AAHEA Logo
Asian Montessori Education (AME)
Childhood Education International
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
ECA Logo
European International University
International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)
National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE)
TESOL Canada
World Certification Institute
ASIC Accredited

Asian College of Teachers (ACT) undertakes a continuous review of its teacher training courses to ensure imparting high quality education. However, there might be circumstances outside of ACT’s control which might affect its stakeholders like if you are planning to teach in a different country, applying for a teaching license, pursuing higher studies or trying to get the certificate approved by the Ministry of Education (MoE) of a particular country then you can do so with the certificate issued by Asian College of Teachers (ACT). However, each country’s Ministry of Education (MoE) or educational bodies set certain standards that are indispensable for the pursuit of higher studies or teaching in schools in that country. So it can be a possibility that you may be able to use the certificate for higher studies or teaching purposes in one country and not in another. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you investigate thoroughly and check with the relevant authorities regarding the acceptance of the certificate issued by us before you enrol on a particular course. ACT strives to offer high-quality education and its certificates can be valuable for various purposes internationally, but still it is crucial for individuals to verify the specific recognition of the certificate in the country they intend to use it, especially for formal education or professional licensing purposes. This approach ensures that the stakeholders make informed decisions regarding their educational and career paths.

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