UNESCO Futures of Education Initiative & Montessori Education

Montessori Education UNESCO aims to bring together numerous perspectives as well as thoughts of the stakeholders who are impacted by the changing nature of education for the prestigious ‘UNESCO Futures of Education’s initiative. And, the educationists believe that the best suggestion for how to move forward is to consider the work done by Dr. Montessori.

Dr. Maria Montessori refuted educational values that are still practiced today, over a century ago. Moreover, the most bewildering feature of Montessori’s experiment was that no one enforced children to learn.

3 Main Questions To Be Addressed With The Initiative

Here are the 3 foremost questions this initiative tries to find to find answers for:

1. When you think about 2050 …

  • What are you most hopeful about?
  • What are you most concerned about?

2. What should be the collective purposes of education in 2050?

3. With the visions of 2050 and the collective purposes of education that you just described …

The initiative aims to address the above bigger questions through other narrow focus extents.

Who Can Join?

  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Educators
  • Researchers
  • Policy-makers
  • Edupreneurs

What Will You Get?

You’ll get the following benefits:

  • Deliver a prospect to be selected for a feature/mention of you/your organization on the UNESCO Global Education Report on the Futures of Education initiative.
  • Provide a break to notify and shape future Education Policy.
  • Offer a channel for your ideas/thoughts/views.
  • Inform thousands of readers on this platform.
  • Highlight any experiments/ideas you have executed.
  • Name you/your association as a contributor to the Futures Of Education initiative on this platform.

Five Principles of the Montessori Classroom

Areas Of Consideration

Teachers need to address these questions ----

  • If you are a teacher and if you work with preschool children, what policy practices would help kindergarteners get ready for elementary school?
  • How would you distinguish learning for the miscellaneous ability needs in your classroom?
  • Do you think a computer can replace the teacher?
  • What are your thoughts on the existing education system’s significance to the real world?
  • What is the one change you would carry to the current education system, if you could?
  • Tell us about any experiments you applied in your own classroom that could be executed by others on a larger scale?

Parents need to address these questions ----

  • Do you think the contemporary costs of schooling are acceptable? Why or why not?
  • Do you think school and higher education equipped you suitably for a job? Why or why not?
  • What do you think has changed for the better in the current education system? What could change still?
  • If you could, what is the one change you would bring to the recent education system?

Format For Submission

Format For Submission your vision for Education in 2050

So, how should education be used to shape our future?

Well, to find the rejoinders, we need only look as far as the child before us. We can’t predict what it will look like but what we do see is that the world will need people who ask questions, are intrusive, collaborate, and who are peaceful.

The Bottom Line

Education transforms the world. Kids who attend Montessori preschools have better executive functioning skills. Diploma in Montessori Teachers Training program is something that you can think about! This step is certainly a forward-looking vision of what education might yet become!

Student Reviews


Full of knowledge and useful information, suggestion for lesson plan and ideas for support learning. The knowledge, as mother and "home" teacher was incomplete, after this course I'm feel more comfortable in these topics.

Catherine Streng

Catherine Streng

It was hard work but I learned a lot. Because of this it was well worth it and I am well on my way to succeeding in my goal to become an English teacher in Asia. Instead of being scared as I previously was, I am only a little bit nervous now that I have this experience under my belt.

Joseph Cachia

Joseph Cachia

It was a challenge for me as it been a long time since I had done any academic studying but the course was structured well overall as the course progressed I was relating more to what I was doing at school and implementing them and seeing results I could see my self-confidence growing thru the course.

Melissa Laurin

Melissa Laurin

The course was very informative and I really liked the fact that I could do the Work on my own time. That made less pressure and I could do my best work for the assignments.

* Disclaimer : Results may vary

Asian Montessori Education (AME)
Childhood Education International
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
ECA Logo
European International University
International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT)
National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET)
Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE)
TESOL Canada
World Certification Institute
ASIC Accredited
ebt logo

Asian College of Teachers (ACT) undertakes a continuous review of its teacher training courses to ensure imparting high quality education. However, there might be circumstances outside of ACT’s control which might affect its stakeholders like if you are planning to teach in a different country, applying for a teaching license, pursuing higher studies or trying to get the certificate approved by the Ministry of Education (MoE) of a particular country then you can do so with the certificate issued by Asian College of Teachers (ACT). However, each country’s Ministry of Education (MoE) or educational bodies set certain standards that are indispensable for the pursuit of higher studies or teaching in schools in that country. So it can be a possibility that you may be able to use the certificate for higher studies or teaching purposes in one country and not in another. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you investigate thoroughly and check with the relevant authorities regarding the acceptance of the certificate issued by us before you enrol on a particular course. ACT strives to offer high-quality education and its certificates can be valuable for various purposes internationally, but still it is crucial for individuals to verify the specific recognition of the certificate in the country they intend to use it, especially for formal education or professional licensing purposes. This approach ensures that the stakeholders make informed decisions regarding their educational and career paths.

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